Porlock Pilgrim’s Trail began as means to raise interest, knowledge and money for the scattered churches across the benefice of Porlock and Exmoor at large. There are many beautiful but rarely visited (and hence poorly funded) churches in the area. Would it be possible to link them up with a trail through some of Exmoor’s greatest countryside?
We wanted to make it flexible, so it would be as suitable to afternoon strollers as to keen walkers. And we wanted to provide clear directions and historical anecdotes about the churches themselves, so it would appeal to those who want to understand the fascinating local history as well as experience the peerless landscape of Exmoor.
Four people with very different backgrounds teamed up to bring the idea to fruition: Jeremy Payne, a local resident with a background in advertising, Alistair and Gill Campbell, keen walkers with numerous local guidebooks behind them, and Rev. Ann Gibbs, the rector who oversees the benefice of Porlock. The initiative is not-for-profit and any money made from the sale of guidebooks and digital versions will be distributed throughout the benefice.
The Trail has been in existence since late Summer 2022 but formally launched in 2023 and we have been lucky enough to get coverage in both national newspapers and regional magazines. We hope you enjoy doing the walk, whether a couple of hours or a few days. And, of course, don’t forget to stamp your guidebook – and please donate to the churches along the way through the collection boxes. Or you can just click below, your generosity makes all the difference to these unique rural gems.
The Porlock Pilgrim’s Trail is not-for-profit and entirely reliant on voluntary donations. If you believe the countryside of Exmoor is worth experiencing and its churches worth preserving, please give generously.